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Darth Vader's son Lord Vader has died.

Darth Vader's son Lord Vader has died. No, he didn't meet an untimely demise at the hands o…

Trade Federation invaded Naboo.

Their leader Darth Maul was on the Death Star, and he was after Luke. Luke went with Leia to Corusc…

Yoda The Jedi Master.

/Father of Anakin Skywalker, a famous Jedi Master, and the source of many prophecies. He died whe…

Trade Federation Armies Forcing the Gungans to Abandon Otoh Gunga

28BBY Local news: Otoh Gunga. The city was originally built by the Gungans in order to avoid cont…

The Galactic Empire

The Galactic Empire, also known as the Old Empire, the First Galactic Empire, Palpatine's Ne…

Princess Leia.

Princess Leia Organa was one of the Rebel Alliance's greatest leaders, fearless on the…

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